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DOI: 10.46698/t7406-3495-9364-r

On Reversibility and the Spectrum of the Wiener-Hopf Integral Operator in a Countably-Normed Space of Functions with Power Behavior at Infinity

Pasenchuk, A. E.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal 2024. Vol. 26. Issue 1.
We consider the Wiener-Hopf integral operator in a countable normed space of measurable functions on the real axis, decreasing faster then any power. It is shown that the class of bounded Wiener-Hopf operators contains with discontinuous symbols of a special form. The problems of boundedness, Noetherianity, and invertibility of such operators in the given countably normed space are studied. In particular, criteria for Noetherianity and invertibility in terms of a symbol are obtained. For this purpose, the concept of a canonical smooth degenerate factorization is introduced and it is established that the invertibility of the Wiener-Hopf operator is equivalent to the presence of a canonical smooth degenerate factorization of its symbol. The canonical smooth degenerate factorization is described using a functional called the singular index. As a corollary, the spectrum of the Wiener-Hopf operator in the considered topological space is described. Some relations are given that connect the spectra of the Wiener-Hopf integral operator with the same symbol in the countably normed spaces of measurable functions decreasing at infinity faster than any power.
Keywords: countable, normed, space, invertibillity, degenerate, factorization, singular, index, spectrum.
Language: Russian Download the full text  
For citation: Pasenchuk, A. E. On Reversibility and the Spectrum of the Wiener-Hopf Integral Operator in a Countably-Normed Space of Functions with Power Behavior at Infinity, Vladikavkaz Math. J., 2024, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 132-141 (in Russian). DOI 10.46698/t7406-3495-9364-r
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