ISSN печатной версии 1683-3414   •   ISSN он-лайн версии 1814-0807


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Anthony Wickstead (sixtieth birthday)

Владикавказский математический журнал. . Том 9. 2007 г.. Выпуск 4.
December 13, 2007 is the date of the sixtieth birthday of Professor Anthony Wickstead who is associated with Queens' University at Belfast. Professor Wickstead works in positivity, a vast and attractive area of functional analysis which borders  many powerful theories of modern mathematics. His contributions to positivity has brought him world fame and recognition. He was the first Editor-in-Chief of the international journal "Positivity". His efforts and contributions in this capacity have made this journal a natural epicenter of research into positivity. Russian mathematicians appreciate not only the scientific contribution of Professor Wickstead but also his charm and personality. On behalf of his colleagues in Russia and the  Editorial Board of Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal we heartily congratulate Professor Wickstead and wish him many happy returns of the day.
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